Thursday, March 16, 2006

J Lo as Sue Ellen

OK, y'all. I should have waited until I get everything set up, but I just can't help myself. A movie of the TV show Dallas is currently in the process of being made. John Travolta as J.R. Ewing, I can stomach, but Jennifer Lopez as Sue Ellen baffles me. As a child I remember Sue Ellen being drunk, throwing liquor in J.R.'s face and then smashing the glass into the wall. She was fabulous. I can't picture J Lo portraying this character--I mean, come on--Apparently this former TV series as a movie will go the way that most lately have gone--it will SUCK and all the soul of the series will be sucked out. I emailed the producers and told them as much--I told them that I was against J Lo portraying Sue Ellen. I do that a lot--I write a lot of complaint and complimentary letters. What do y'all think? A big bootied latina throwing drinks in J.R.'s face just isn't going to be the same. Here is the link to keep you posted about the progress of the film: Let me know what you think.

Aw hell naw, that's gonna go over like a lead balloon!

What about Lauren Hutton as Miss Ellie? I'll have to think on Sue Ellen. I saw they picked Catherine Zeta Jones--that's a good choice I think.
I can definitely see Catherine Zeta Jones as Pamela Ewing. If Shirley Maclaine plays Miss Ellie, it will be worth it to see the movie--I like her. She was the only good thing in Bewitched the horrible movie.
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