Monday, May 15, 2006

Brokedown Mountain

It took me a while to see the film "Brokeback Mountain". Everyone was pushing me to watch it when it was out in theatres, and wanted me to watch it before the Academy Awards, but I didn't. It isn't because I find the premise of the movie objectionable--not at all, it is just that movies that I put in this category, SAD, such as Terms of Endearment, Beaches, etc., tear me UP. I mean, I cry horribly at movies like this and that makes me a WRECK for at least a day or two. So, that is why it took me so long to watch this film. I got it through Netflix and kept it for five days before watching it. Even though it was a beautifully shot movie, with great characters (I was a little shocked seeing ex-Disney Princess Anne Hathaway showing her boobies, but I digress..) it was a beautiful and tragic love story. I think Heath Ledger did an AWESOME job playing Ennis--Great movie, very very good, but very tragic and very very sad......That said, I'm so fortunate to be in a place and time that I am allowed to be open with who I love and can be free to be with that person.....

I haven't seen it, but I definitely plan on it... besides the story, they are hotttt!
I've got it in from netflix, but haven't watched it yet either. I wanted to watch it when I was in the mood, b/c just like you I knew I was going to cry and be SAD and depressed afterwards. Thank goodness those times are a thing of the past. I'm so glad you can be your own self and not be persecuted for it. It would have to have been so hard back in those days.
You definitely have to be in the mood for this. I'm glad I finally watched it--very good, very sad :(
I found it heart breaking that they had to hide their feelings and ultimately never had the chance to be really together. Unfortunately, there are still egnorant people and those places still exsist.
One of my best friends is gay, no matter where he lives we have kept in touch all these years. I was never happier for anyone then I was for him when he finally found his soul mate. I can not imagine not having them in my life.
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