Wednesday, May 10, 2006


We got a new car May 1. It is a Volvo S60. I have never been into Volvos before, but after test driving this one, I am hooked! It is so safe--it has about 8 airbags, 12 speakers, sunroof, cd player (this is the first car I've ever had with a cd player--LOL). It is an amazing car--I am proud of it--Jared has his key remote that adjusts to his settings and I have mine that will scoot my short self in and raise the seat and such. We got it at Ocala Volvo and yesterday when it was raining, it was driving weird--I thought something happened to the engine, but it has traction control, so the wheels will never spin, and it automatically adjusts to different driving conditions and you can even drive on flat tires! Here are some pictures of it--Jared likes flashy things and cars and I like unpretentiousness, so this is a good compromise.

Oh wow, I am JEALOUS!! I is very nice!! Yay for you two, getting a new car is a good feeling isn't it?
Yes indeed, you know I'm not used to such! Thanks!
I wanted to get a BMW, but now that i"m having to PURCHASE my kid I suppose we can't afford it. ha
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