Monday, July 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Jared!

This weekend we had a good ol' time. Jared's brother Heath and his wife Dana flew in this weekend for Jared's birthday. They were supposed to fly into Gainesville Thursday night but because of the weather the plane was diverted to Daytona Beach. They had to stay in a hotel there and I didn't get off work Friday until 7:30, so we got there pretty late. They had a hotel on the beach and we stayed up and hung out all night and went to the beach and stuff. The next day we got up and drove to Ocala and that night (Saturday) we watched "The Hills Have Eyes", which is actually one of the better horror movies I've seen, and then watched the fight until 2:00 am. Aside from the lack of sleep, I had a great time. Jared's brother and Dana are very nice people and we all had a good time. They left yesterday. I will put some more pics up later. This is a picture of Jared and Heath. Don't they look alike? BTW....I forgot to call Stephanie and wish her Happy Birthday, too! She and Jared have the same birthday.

Gosh, they DO look alot alike! I didn't realize our bdays were the same day, no wonder you like us both! Funny thing, all of chuck's serious relationships have all been cancers. ISn't it funny how it work that way sometimes? Anyway, glad you guys had a great time and thanks for the bday wishes. Happy Birthday Jared!

Oh My it is Stephs Bday too, Yiiks I didn't get her new url. opps
Now now, Billy Boy, you do need to update your blog so people can leave comments. You and your sister are a hoot. Just because blogger had a technical issue does not mean that you can't update it or let people leave comments. You know how these things are...
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