Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Well, here we go again....Ernesto (NOT a hurricane, but a tropical storm) is headed our way tomorrow. The south of the state is already drenched and according to the news (which is never right about a hurricane until the last second), should hit us some time tomorrow. Two years ago, here in Central Florida we got hit pretty hard by two hurricanes. Each time we were without power for two weeks and during that time, Jared and I had an apartment with a front porch and back porch, which we opened up for a cross breeze. While this temporarily gave us some moving air (not cool, but a breeze is a breeze), it also destroyed every book and paper object that I owned at that time. The pages were all wet and mildewy and the photos were wrinkled. Trees and power lines blocked all four exits out of the complex AND we were without phone service. The next day we plugged in an old fashioned cheap corded phone and that worked. Also, during the storms we had the screens closed but just watched the trees fall (some on houses, all of our shingles on the complex were blowing away, signs blowing off hinges and blowing down the road). It is like the bad thing about the hurricane is not the actual storm itself, but the time period afterward of being without power and stranded. This time important photos are in simple ziploc bags, and we live in a more centralized are of downtown, for example, two major hospitals are across the street and the police station is right down the road. I'm betting that if we lose power, we should be among the first to get it back, although I'm not a betting man, and have never had something that went as planned--LOL. So anyway, if this is a good enough storm--haha-I will post some pictures of the wind and sideways rain that is so hard, it can poke an eye out.

I hope it is just a minor blip and maybe you guys won't actually lose power. At least you are more prepared for it this time, that is good. We'll be think about you!
I don't think I could ever move their, the thought of a hurricane scares the hell out of me. I hear it's pretty their but what a price to pay. But then again I live in bum ****, Ark. and we have the torando's, and I grew up in CA, we had earthquakes. So I guess everywhere has their own special desasters,
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