Saturday, August 26, 2006


Let me tell you a little secret....I have been going thru terrible withdrawals from Lexapro for over a month. I had weaned myself down to half my dosage and then going cold turkey for 4 weeks. I have been on this medication for about 3 years now and even though it helped me at the time, I'm trying not to be a slave to anything--prescriptions, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.... I am no crazy Tom Cruise, and for God's sake my major is in Psychology....I have anxiety and depression but paying $50 a month for a medication and the doctor won't even give you samples when you are in need? Don't get me started....Well after the third day I started having "strokes" and "heart attacks" and continued with shakiness, concentration loss, twitches, lethargy and brain "zaps". Every day during lunch I would have to come home and lay down for 30 minutes because I was totally exhausted. When I woke up this Monday morning, I had a CLEAR head, had energy, enthusiasm and actually felt good for the first time in a LONG time. So, there it is in a nutshell....I was going off my SSRI which I have been on for 3 years, and the side effects and withdrawals have been AWFUL--doctors should tell their patients how "crazy"and horrible getting off this medicine can be. They at least give Methadone to Heroin addicts when they quit....

I can't belive you went cold turkey, no wonder you felt so bad!!!! I remember feeling like I could just pass out at any minute when I was trying to get off my anti-dep. At least the worst is over for you, I am glad. Yay!
Oh Andy,
Some meds you are not suppose to get off cold turkey but slowly work your way out of them. Wow sound like it was really bad tho to stay on them.
I'm sure glad that you are feeling better and I'm very glad that you guys are back.
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