Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Crist vs Davis

OK, so I was confused about the FL governor candidates and didn't even vote in the primaries yesterday. First let me set up the story by letting you know that Jeb Bush isn't running for re-election...(I don't like the president, but I can't help like his brother--during a hurricane threat he is a master--he closes all school systems and lets them be shelters, and whatever cruise lines (he is under fire for government contracts only to Carnival) are available in the ports, he uses them like the federal gov't uses "Fema trailers". He opens up the turnpikes for free and FL and federal emergency services are there to save and rebuild ASAP--OK, you get the picture about the the midterm election-- all the Republican candidates were against each other trying to prove how "conservative" they are, even going as far as trying to prove how "liberal" other candidates have been in the past. OK, I know I'm not Rebublican--these commercials made me mad talking about how some candidates would 'ban adoptions to where only married family couples' could adopt children. OK, I guess a swipe at gays, and also their 'sanctity of marriage and the prohibition of civil unions' plan got me fired up. Every time Jared and I drove past a corner with any of these supporters, we just drove by and flipped them off and/or used the thumb down. On to the democrats, I was just as confused with them. According to them, they are going to instate civil unions and more accepted abortions. Good Lord, that is NOT the difference between Republican and Democrats. I didn't vote in the primary, but I would have if I were Republican--Kathleen Harris, that botoxed beotch who was the Attorney General in FL when she made Gore lose, is running for Senate. She is Republican, and while she did win the primary, she did not get the Republican support of the state and federal leaders because of her past. This guarantees (in news and print) that the Democratic candidate will win for Senate. BTW, Davis is the Democrat and I'm voting for him for Governor.

I don't lknow a thing about Jeb Bush, except that his brother is a spoiled brat and a retard. But Jeb sounds like he knows how to run his state and the things that he does in an emergency is very admirable.
Sounds like JEb has his stuff together--N.O. should've taken a leaf out of his book.
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