Friday, April 06, 2007

Old School Sesame Street

Well, let me put it this way, I will have a lot more time on my hands--LOL. I was working almost 12 hour days and thus have been neglecting this blog. My parents finally got DSL and I showed them the magic of YouTube and along the way found some jewels from the past that really bring back memories. I want to talk about Sesame Street and PBS for a minute. Not the way it is with Elmo and all that, but the way it was when I was little. We didn't have cable, and the only children's programming that came on during the weekdays were on PBS. Oh, how I used to rush to the TV and turn the dial to 13! Thank God for PBS in the late 70s and early 80s! I'm going to post some videos that really were a part of my childhood and just hearing and seeing these stir up so much that it is amazing what I remember. The music and cartoons of these videos make me think that it is no wonder so many people my age experimented with drugs! Just take a trip down memory lane with me.....Just cut and paste since I'm having trouble posting these!

Loaf of bread....

7 and the baker falling

Striped balls teaching tolerance



Hey Andy,

Just thought I would say Hello and see how you are doing. Email me when you get a chance.

OMG, I remember all of those!!! Funny how much we remember...Daddy dear oh daddy dear! You are right, thank goodness for pbs or we'd have had nothing to watch. I've been searching some of the old shows....remember today's special?

What about all those french shows?? Do you remember??? Like the sad clown, he may have contributed to my fear of clowns. Remember it was parlez vous or seomthing like that. What about Telefracais, with that pineapple?? Remember??

What about the letter people? Remember:
Yes! Thank God for PBS--all these nostalgic flashbacks--LOL. This lower case n one was SO depressing, Stephanie. Check this out and see if you remember it......
I watched them, but I don't remember them. I was before your time. lol
OMG, look at Steph rambling on, you sure jogged her memories. hehehe
Opps, meant to say welcome back!
ugh, that was depressing!! I do remember! In trying to find the one where they make a steel drum from an oil drum I found one about how crayons are made. It's probably all done by machines now. I'm gonna look for "One Way" remember that? ANd "teeny little super guY"--I watched the episodes "rw's hat" and "school" and it was funny to see how 70's the kitchen was. Plus the old oil of olay bottle in the bathroom hahaha Didn't care for him much as a kid, but interesting to see the decor.

Remember the guy that was always painting numbers on stuff?

Oh, here's "kids just love to brush" Melissa LOVED this one!! She would sing it when brushing!! KIDS JUST LOVE TO BRUSH!! haha

Gotta watch the typewriter guy!

Quite possibly my all time favorite, The Pinball Number Count
I didn't realize until now the pointer sisters were the ones doing the song.
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